As college student and a blogger, I was frustrated by the absence of a place for all of us to find one another easily. Why shouldn’t students be able to find blogs at their school? Wouldn’t it be good for high schoolers applying to college to see what students there were like? For those reasons primarily I decided to create this site.

This is an online community where we can find one another. The blog directory lists all the known sites by school, as well sections for those that don’t identify their school and another for blogs about applying to college.

The home page features blog post every day (except Sunday) that have to do with some aspect of college life. The headers are photos from campuses or college life. If you have a picture (that you have rights to) that you think would work, send it to

I know I’m not the first to have this idea nor the first to act on it. The similar sites I found really didn’t live up to the purpose or were exclusive in the schools included. This one will hold only the exclusivity of being a college or university, not where it is or how “prestigious” some think it is.

The “rules” for linkage:

You are a student at an institution of higher education or actively blogging about the application process.
Your blog is not officially affiliated with a college.
Finally – and this is important – you actively blog. Let’s not lead each other to dead sites
These basic guidelines attempt to insure the sincerity of the blogs linked. Student Bloggers is all about connecting people and reading blogs by people like us. Enjoy it and please pass along any other stublogs you know of.